With work piling up, you might consider the process of organizing your workspace as an interruption. But it’s not! Organizing your workspace may take you away from work for a while, but the results are worth your time.
A well-organized workspace has huge benefits. It has a positive impact on you. For starters, your workspace speaks a lot about you. You create a professional image and a better impression when you have a clean and organized workspace.
Keeping your workspace organized also elevates your work performance. You won’t have to waste time looking for misplaced things and will have more time to work on important tasks.
It also has a psychological effect on you. Clutter can be a distraction that disturbs your thinking process, preventing you from being effective. You can be more focused and productive when you feel a sense of orderliness and control over your situation.
Whether you’re an employee or self-employed, the benefits of having a clean and organized workspace are essential to your success.
Here are some tips for keeping your workspace organized and clean.
Declutter Your Workspace and Computer
Get rid of literally everything that adds no value to your productivity. Focus on one area at a time.
Categorize items according to their usefulness. Decide on whether to keep or discard. Discard can mean giving it away or throwing it into the garbage can.
Shred unnecessary files with sensitive information before throwing them away. Donate old, usable furniture to charity organizations.
Declutter and organize your computer by deleting files, pictures, or software applications that you don’t need. Sort and filter your emails based on urgency and importance.
Label and Color-code Items
Utilize a labeling and color-coding system that suits your needs. Label shelves, folders, bins, and drawers. Color code files according to type or priority. This will help you keep items in the right places and reduce the risk of misplacing important documents.
Move all important files from your computer into folders and subfolders. Folder and file names should be short but descriptive of the content. You can include dates to further organize your files.
Use Storage Boxes & Containers
Store and organize files and other items you want to keep for future use in storage boxes and containers.
Group and label the boxes and containers appropriately. This will help you easily locate and retrieve the items when it’s time to use them.
Add Inspirational Features in Your Workspace
Add items in your workspace that will constantly inspire and motivate you to work.
Create an inspirational wall that will drive you to achieve your goals and dreams. Put a picture of your family or loved ones on your desk to relive your purpose for working hard.
Make space for a timer or desktop calendar with images or décor that help you stay focused and on track. Place office supplies that you regularly need in a beautiful container that gives you a sense of happiness.
But don’t overdo it. Make sure that there is enough space on your desk to work on.
Keep Your Desk Clean and Organized
Having a clean, sanitized desk is very important. But it is difficult to wipe your desk if it’s filled with clutter. To clean your desk, you also have to declutter it.
Throw away junk and unnecessary items in your drawers. Keep only what you need on your desk. Limit your pens to just one or two. Keep a few paper clips.
Organize everything from your stationery, laptop, files, and trays. Group similar items together, so you know where to locate what you need. Assign each group a drawer. For example, you can put all your office supplies in your top drawer for easy access.
Position these accessories to your advantage. Put the things you use most on the side where your dominant hand is. If you’re right-handed, put them on the right. If you’re left-handed, put them on your left.
Dedicate the area near your computer for reviewing papers or documents. Keep the space free from clutter so you can use it anytime you need to.
Avoid Eating at Your Desk
When you’re on a tight deadline, you might be tempted to eat at your desk. Don’t be. Taking a short break to eat will make you more productive when you get back to your desk. If you don’t want to leave your workspace, you can set up a small table in the corner where you can eat.
This way, you don’t put your important documents at risk of getting soiled or wet.
Dispose of Your Garbage Immediately
When you’re busy, chances are garbage will pile up in your work area. You tell yourself you’ll come back for it later. The solution: put a trash can nearby, within your arm’s reach.
Make it a habit to throw your garbage out the moment it’s there. Don’t set trash down on your desk for disposing of later. If you keep on doing this, you’ll end up with a cluttered desk.
Do an “End-of-Day” Cleaning of your Workspace
Before calling it a day, check your desk to see if there is clutter and dirt on its surface.
Throw out any garbage and clean up the surface of your desk with a clean cloth. Put everything back in its place. Neatly pile the work you need to do the next day on top of your desk.
When you go back to work the next day, you’ll feel great to start the day with a clean and clutter-free workspace.
Good habits are hard to establish. But with commitment and discipline, they can be achieved. To borrow from a well-known quote, “Organizing is a journey, not a destination.” Keeping your workspace organized means you need to do it every day to get positive results.
It won’t hurt to take a few moments to clean and organize your workspace. As mentioned earlier, the results are worth your time.